Partner with Mrkt360 to unlock the power of Netflix Ads through the Microsoft Advertising Platform. Reach an impressive audience of over 10 million monthly active users worldwide, without minimum spend requirements. Maximize your brand's potential with targeted, high-quality ad experiences.
Exclusive Premium Inventory
Access high-quality ad space.
Scalable Reach
Access growing base of ad-tier users.
Targeted Advertising
Genre, Run-of-Network, Top 10, & frequency-capped options.
Brand Safety
Partner with a trusted, premium platform.
Real-Time Insights
Monitor and optimize campaigns.
After uploading videos to Microsoft Advertising, Netflix’s system will evaluate their quality using a 3-star rating system, with 3 stars indicating exceptional quality.
To advertise on premier platforms, refer to the guidelines below to understand the requirements for each quality tier. To qualify for the most premium inventory, the video must meet the Excellent Quality (3-star) standards.