Online Reputation Management


Tired of seeing negative search results on Google about your brand?

Are bad articles hurting your businesses’ reputation and ROI?

Are negative reviews tarnishing your image?

Everyone has access to the huge, easy-accessible database of information on Google when they have a question they want answered. In fact, a study shows that 90% of people go to a search engine first when they need information. As a result, search queries can often be the first impression that someone has on an individual, organization or business. That is why it is pivotal for individuals and brands to have a good reputation online.

Mrkt360 offers reputation management services to help empower individuals and businesses and help maintain or shield their reputation. We have a team with vast knowledge, skills, and expertise on the digital marketing and SEO world that are dedicated to providing positive and sustainable results for our clients.


Whether you are a business man, politician or celebrity, it’s essential to monitor your online reputation. Negative reviews, bad articles, and unpleasant word of mouth can tarnish your reputation as well as your credibility. In fact:

  • 90% of fans read online reviews and news
  • 88% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • 86% of people form an opinion about a celebrity after reading online news
  • 89% of users do not go past Page 1 for any given search (AOL)
  • 78% of U.S. adults believe it is very important to look up info about people and/or businesses online before deciding to interact or do business with them (Harris Interactive)

Thus, it is extremely important to monitor what is being posted about you online, whether it is news sites, magazines, social media, blogs or websites. Online reputation management services are designed to assist individuals and businesses in efficiently fostering a positive image amongst followers or fans. This allows you to take a more proactive approach tomanaging

your reputation and tackling negative search results systematically.


Link building is the backbone of search engine optimization. In simple terms, it is the comprehensive process of building inbound links from authoritative and powerful websites to help your website rank high on search engines. It helps make a website visible, credible and authentic.

According to search engine marketing experts, after initiating a blog or a website it is essential to invest time in building quality links so they can gain more exposure and prominence on search engines. To do this, thorough research, analyses, and strategic planning must be done, as well as  putting in optimal effort and time.

Incoming links from a trustworthy resource or an authoritative website are always rewarded by search engines. However, effective link building doesn’t mean building an unlimited number of links; rather, it means getting high quality, relevant links from other industry-specific websites.

The following are additional advantages of quality link building:

  • Quality inbound links means your website is a valuable resource. However, it could also be achieved by developing fresh and high-quality content.
  • Link building assists in your website getting indexed by search engines.
  • It helps you to attract traffic to a website.

Link building can be carried out through various proven strategies and techniques:

  • Writing Quality and Organic Content (content that is linked naturally)
  • Infographics
  • Guest Blogging
  • Profile Listing
  • Sharing Videos

Thus, it is extremely important to monitor what is being posted about you online, whether it is news sites, magazines, social media, blogs or websites. Online reputation management services are designed to assist individuals and businesses in efficiently fostering a positive image amongst followers or fans. This allows you to take a more proactive approach tomanaging your reputation and tackling negative search results systematically.


We use a wide range of proprietary technologies and techniques to push fresh, high quality, and positive content up. In this process, fake, misleading, outdated or inaccurate information will be pushed down in the search results. During the process, we follow the best practices, guidelines, rules and regulations and implement proven strategies that are engineered to render real and long-lasting results.


To engage your audience, we develop and promote a range of high quality, relevant content related to your specific niche and industry. Most engagements will focus on third-person biographies and press releases written by our expert and qualified team of Canadian-based professional writers and editors. They create content as per your needs, standards and specifications and are reviewed thoroughly for complete accuracy. We never publish or promote anything without your approval.


We will publish content on a personalized selection of websites based on your niche, current industry trends and its overall capability to impact search results. Our publications team selects a wide range of influential and relevant websites, ranging from blogs to industry-specific news websites in order to perform the job in a strategic manner. Websites and content get published in a gradual manner in order to have a positive influence on your search results.

The Ultimate Goal

Our goal is to push down negative reviews, fake news and negative comments from the top three pages of Google’s search engine result pages.


  • Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a web link that can be posted on social sites for others to see, read, follow, and share. It is an ideal way for building business-specific links with attracts visitors, builds new customers, improves business visibility and much more. As social bookmarking on websites are known to feature original, authentic and relevant content, search engines frequently visit these sites. Social bookmarking also helps get your links indexed by search engines. These sites can also be used for creating quality backlinks for your website’s pages as well as improving its followers.

We use your brand name while completing all social bookmarks in order to get an extra advantage. We will also bookmark your business’ profiles as well as other positive and relevant links into top social bookmarking websites on a consistent basis in order to push down negative listings.

We bookmark the most essential pages of your website on the most popular and high quality social media sites. In addition, we always follow the best practices and latest search engine trends to achieve the desired results.

Social Bookmarking

  • Article Submission

Article writing and syndicating has its own significance when it comes to SEO. Today, just writing articles and submitting them is not enough; it is important to create and publish high-quality, original, factual and relevant articles that can enhance customer knowledge. In order to stay ahead of the curve, we have transformed the traditional method:

We will write fresh and informative articles and submit them into the top article submission websites every month to improve your brand’s presence. It will help us gain prominence and dominate negative listing on SERPs.

Article Submission

  • Existing Profile Optimization

We will strategically optimize all existing brand profiles to help push down negative listings. We will also check, analyze and optimize website profiles in order to improve their visibility and prominence on the search engine results pages.

  • Blog Creation

Quality content helps foster trust and add credibility to the brand. As a result, we publish blogs every month for your brand on the top Blog publishing websites. The formula is simple - the more impressive the blog content is, the more authority the brand will build. It will also be helpful in pushing down negative reviews or comments your website may have accumulated over time.

1.Creation of Web 2.0

A Web 2.0 Blog is a blog style that allows users to create, post and share the content. It is really a subset of Web 2.0 properties that caters to bloggers.

We will create Web 2.0 to generate high-quality backlinks. We will create multiple multiple Web 2.0 properties (if required).



Another integral part of our entire process in which we bookmark the URLs of the “off-site blogs” into top social bookmarking sites for additional benfit.

Blog Submission

  • Infographic Submission

Infographics are a great way to represent the most critical information, data and statistics in an impressive and interactive way. It is a great tool for teaching and presenting business specific information.


  • Document Submission

Document submission is one of the most effective ways of publicizing information. It helps to efficiently promote products, services, ideas, opinions and websites.

As a part of our process, we convert the provided document into PDF files and share it on the top document submission websites such as Slideshare.

We add a link back to your profile and listings that are currently ranking on SERP, and bookmark the URLs of the published PDF files in order to uplift your brand.

Document Submission

  • Video Submission and Video Optimization

Videos are dominating search results like never before. With online video content, your website can achieve many results including better prominence, higher rankings and greater traffic. In fact, a search result that features a video thumbnail will boost traffic to a website by an average of 80%. With the ideal combination of high search visibility and increased interactivity, your website will receive an enormous amount of traffic, which will improve its overall conversion, meaning better ROI.  Besides that, we will strategically optimize the video channel and promote positive videos to gain more traffic.

Video Promotion

  • Social Media Activities

No business can survive without social media platforms, which is why we leverage Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram.

We focus on creating top quality and factual content to catch the attention of readers and encourage them to share it on their own social pages. This significantly helps us to improve the reputation of an individual or organization.