The Social Media Tightrope
It’s all a balancing act.
When it comes to online marketing solutions, social media presence is necessary and crucial to get the business flowing. But doing it all isn’t necessarily easy.
Presence builds trust
There’s a reason why people look for their mother for advice more than their father. In the traditional family model, the mother is a present caretaker, whereas the father is the family’s provider.
The mother’s constant presence in one’s life brings familiarity and a sense of trust.
Consistency breeds familiarity and trust, which is why regular presence in your target audience’s life is so important in digital marketing.
A Fine Line
There’s a delicate balance that comes from social media presence. If you don’t have any, you might as well not exist. But, if you have too much, you become overbearing.
Social media marketing involves producing and sharing content, customer and brand interactions, and timing.
Your brand needs to feel human, it needs to feel alive in order for people to actually trust it.
Do it yourself
Running a business is a bit like parenthood. It’s a jumble of learning curves and road bumps; you’re gonna do some things right but make a few mistakes. If you can manage all of that, you’ll be alright.
And if you can’t, you don’t have to.
Just like some families hire maids and/or babysitters, business owners hire people to handle tasks they can’t always take care of. Hiring digital marketing services for social media management is a natural thing to do.
Mrkt360 is a digital marketing and web design agency that provides content strategy, design, creation and management services. Our team has experience travelling the bumpy road of online marketing and social media management.
Get in touch with one of our experts today, and lighten your load by leaving your social media in our hands.
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