Web design Templates

Why Custom Web Designs?

Not every business has an in-house marketing department, or someone who can create aesthetically pleasing and converting websites. So, when it comes to outsourcing your web designing process, you need an online marketing agency Toronto that is smooth in planning and seamless in execution. Let’s take a look at a couple of points on why custom web designs are critical in today’s competitive market.

Templates Are Not Worth the Pay

Whether you use a self-creating website, or use a template from an agency, it all comes down to an amateur DIY job. These websites may be cheaper, but will not return the value of your money.  On the wake of custom designing, you need a digital marketing agency Toronto that understands your business and is able to create the exact look and feel you want.


Custom web designs are created with SEO and conversions in mind. Every industry and business is different and your agency will know this. Due to the fact that templates are not designed for SEO, obtaining search engines to crawl your website will be difficult. What does this mean? You won’t rank. No ranking = no business.

Custom Web Design Is Laser Targeted

Custom web designing is not looked up upon for no reason. It is done in a collaborative environment with the customer and provider consistently communicating with one another. This is reflected in the work as you know how to represent your brand more than anyone else. You do not have to stress about trying to adapt the website to suit your purposes as you would with a generic design.

When choosing a custom web design Toronto agency, it is important to find one that not only understands your needs but understands converting design principles, and SEO. Design is not the only function in a website. It goes hand in hand with content, colors, converting principles, and more.

Eran Hurvitz

Dynamic, dedicated, and determined, Eran's passion for technology and marketing led him to start his own digital marketing agency, Mrkt360. Presently he is CEO at Mrkt360 Inc. and Co-Founder at Highbreed Corp. With a passion for technology and over 20 years of experience in the field, Eran is confident in his ability to help businesses achieve their online goals to creating Successful Companies.

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