Web Design Like It’s Child’s Play
Anyone can make a website these days, no more long nights of studying HTML, fiddling with the code for hours only to get the button on your homepage to change colour when the cursor hovers over it.
Today, there are plenty of free site builders that let you assemble your own website intuitively with predesigned bits and pieces.
There is no need to pay anyone else to do it, perfect for the budding entrepreneur, though not necessarily for the actual enterprise.
Those few bucks saved may translate to thousands of clicks missed.
You can indeed save a few bucks here and there by juggling as many aspects of your business as possible, but if you drop the ball, it lands on your foot.
The power of the sun, in the palm of your hand
Spiderman references aside, your website is more than just your online shop or a virtual business card.
It is the very core of your digital marketing endeavours, generating the gravity to keep all other aspects of your business in orbit and attract the online traffic necessary for your business’s growth and expansion.
A build-it-yourself website may be an excellent way to get started, but you can’t expect to get too far on a toy car.
DIY is for your house, not your business
The fact of the matter is that your website, like any other aspect of your business, requires a significant investment of time, money, and effort.
Unless your business is a web design business, you probably don’t want to do it yourself. Luckily, many people can do custom website design in Toronto.
It may seem like an unnecessary expense when you could do it yourself, but there’s a word for costs and expenses that can potentially generate value:
Web design companies in Toronto and the rest of the world have a set of tools and expertise that they can bring to the table to fuel the growth of traffic to your website.
From cleaner, more efficient code to a more organized home page. They can even make sure your website ranks higher on Google through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
You’ve heard that name before.
If you know the basics of Search Engine Optimization, you may think it’s all about keywords, blogs, and visibility.
While that is the face of the SEO process (and the most manageable part), there is an entire set of wheels and cogs that work underneath the surface.
Any website designer worth their salt knows that SEO work begins inward. By making the site easy to navigate for Search Engines to find those well-woven keywords and links that make the site look trustworthy and favourable.
Domains, Hosting, CMS, Indexing, Link Structure, URLs, Information Architecture… these are all words and concepts that you have to learn and understand to even begin scratching the surface of applying SEO to your web design.
Why you do what you do
Let’s be honest here: if you rejected the comfort of the nine-to-five grind in favour of building something for yourself, it’s not so you could sit down and do a bunch of work you don’t want to do.
Like you, many Toronto companies for website design started because someone wanted to live off what they do best: make websites for people who don’t know how to.
One of the keys to succeeding in business is focusing on your strengths and finding people to cover your weaknesses. It’s all about collaboration. How can you expect others to take a chance on your services if they can’t find them because you wouldn’t take a chance on someone else’s services?
So instead of spending time jumping from blog to blog trying to figure out what CMS stands for, consider hiring someone who already knows what it is, so you can focus on what matters to you.
Mrkt360 is an online marketing and SEO Service company located in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in social media marketing, website design and Search Engine Optimization services.
If you want to drive traffic to your site, rank higher on Google and boost your online presence, schedule a free consultation with one of our experts today!
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