Google Shopping vs Amazon

Nowadays, we live in a world in which we no longer have to physically go to a place to purchase what we want and especially due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic this has been the case, instead, we can now use different platforms to do it. We can buy not only things that are located around us, but also we can acquire things that normally are from our reach. There are tons of platforms that deal with the selling of products online today, two of which we are going to talk about which are Amazon and Google Shopping.

These platforms have been one of the most popular options for people who are looking to buy online (Amazon has been the most popular option for possible customers since 2018). These platforms made things a lot easier for customers and for vendors to start considering selling their products online and increasing their popularity.

This is why we will briefly mention the positive aspects of these platforms, so you can make the decisions of which platforms will be more suited to your needs as a retailer:

Benefits that Amazon brings for retailers:

  • Reach a Big Audience
    As of 2017, there are more than 310 million active Amazon customer accounts. This shows how big a potential this platform is in acquiring possible customers.
  • Reach an International Audience
    Since Amazon is one of the most used and trusted platforms when it comes to buying and selling products; Amazon can help your business acquiring new clients that are not necessarily from your country of origin and retailers can quickly test if their products do appeal to the global audience by creating a listing on a local Amazon.
  • Customer Acquisition
    The chances of attracting new customers because of the likelihood of them discovering your business is increased. Especially thanks to Amazon special algorithms that caused them to offer your products to the right potential customers.
  • Utility
    If you desire, Amazon can fulfill orders for you when you choose FBA, or Fulfilled by Amazon.

Benefits that Google Shopping brings for retailers:

  • Qualified Traffic
    It tends to bring in more qualified clicks, you only pay once someone clicks on a Google Shopping ad.
  • Stand out against competitors
    Your ads will appear when people are looking specifically for those types of products on the Google browser.
  • Easy Management
    Google Shopping will decide when to show your products and service based on your product data feed and you are available to manipulate your product data feed to optimize your ads of your products
  • High Conversion Rates
    Google Shopping ads have proven to have much higher conversion rates compared to text-only ads, which can be helpful in acquiring more relevant traffic to your business.

These are only a few of the benefits that each of these platforms can bring to you; some benefits might be worth it for you or not, but that would mostly depend on your type of products you’re selling as well as the goal that you want to accomplish.

If you require help regarding this matter then don’t worry we can help you! Get in contact with us for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Alex Zertuche

Alex is a copywriter from Monterrey, México. He graduated from the Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey with a degree in Communications in Digital Media, specializing in Project Management for Creative Industries and Digital Media Production. He is passionate about entertainment, creative writing and generating engaging content through his work.

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