How to Attract Customers On Amazon

“If you’re a shareowner in Amazon, you may want to take a seat, because we’re not thinking small” (Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO).

Amazon is here to stay and has revolutionized the e-commerce market. More than just a retailer, the American multinational company with headquarters in Seattle, also has to offer streaming services, technology develops devices with artificial intelligence, convenience stores (Amazon Go), and its own line of products. Not surprisingly, by January 2020 they already had 150 million prime users and profits of $74.5 billion in the first quarter of the present year.

The pandemic situation of COVID 19 has not represented a threat to the company. While some companies are struggling not to go bankrupt, in March of the present year, Amazon hired 150,000 additional employees in order to meet the rise in market demand. 

According to Marketplace Plus, 8.4 million companies around the world are registered as Amazon Sellers, all of them looking to get their products to reach more customers in more countries (rather than just their home country), save on transportation costs, and increase sales in the midst of a global pandemic. This blog is aimed at all those companies that currently registered as Amazon sellers, and that are looking for strategies that will help them increase their sales.

Strategies that will help you boost up your sales on Amazon

  • Create awareness in your social media profiles

    Make a campaign on your social networks to create awareness that your products are now available on Amazon, your sales on the platform will increase (it doesn’t matter if they’re only local sales) and the Amazon’s algorithms will recommend your products among customers from other parts of the world.

  • Optimize your products descriptions and prices.

    There are 2 million active sellers on Amazon. Without a doubt, there is more than just one company that sells products very similar to yours. Differentiate yourself from the rest and add detailed and attractive descriptions of your products, add a shopping box to one side of the product, and adjust your prices so that you are neither too cheap nor too expensive compared to your competitors.

  • Give a professional and reliable image to your products.

    Just as you take care of every detail on your physical company so that your company transmits the personality of your brand, you must take care that your products on Amazon reflect what your company really is.

    Use good quality images, respond with kindness and responsibility to users’ doubts and complaints, and don’t forget to tell your clients to leave a review of your products after they received the product! Reviews are a great way to tell potential customers that your products are trustworthy.

Amazon is a company that due to its effective distribution logistics strategies and excellent customer service, has gained the trust and loyalty from their clients. The trust that people have in Amazon will also be in your brand just because you are part of the platform. The only thing you have to do to maintain that trust is to offer a professional and high-quality costume service. Your sales will increase while your Customers will be satisfied with the purchases they made from the safety of their home.

If you have questions about how to apply these, and many other digital strategies to increase your Amazon sales, feel free to contact our Mrkt360 digital marketing experts, we are waiting for you!

Alex Zertuche

Alex is a copywriter from Monterrey, México. He graduated from the Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey with a degree in Communications in Digital Media, specializing in Project Management for Creative Industries and Digital Media Production. He is passionate about entertainment, creative writing and generating engaging content through his work.

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