Marketing During A Pandemic
Running a business is sort of like riding a roller-coaster. Unexpected shocks are bound to happen and sudden changes can cause businesses to go through hard times.
The times we face now, amid the Covid-19 pandemic, is no different. These are unprecedented times that require some planning and patience. So how can the business community get through this tough situation?
Here are some great tips to ride through this time and make sure that your business does not suffer.
Say No to Panic
Sure, these are rough times for any business (unless you are a company manufacturing toilet paper or hand sanitizers!), but remember: ‘We will get through this’.
Don’t panic, take a deep breath — everything will be fine.
Governments around the world are coming up with appropriate policies to protect the economy and avoid the next ‘Great Depression’. Many emergency measures have been put in place to manage the current crisis. Check the official Government Website to see how you can benefit from these measures.
Continue Marketing
Are you considering to stop marketing? Axe that online advertising?
Under social distancing or stay-at-home orders, more and more people spend more time online and on social media. Your customers need to see you online now! With an increased time at their hands and nowhere to go to, your potential customers will be scouring the internet. Make sure that when they search on the Internet, they see your business online.
When things go back to normal, you will have a better chance to reconnect with these people.
If you are new to Digital Marketing, now is the time to get your brand noticed online.
All businesses – service based, restaurants, brick & mortar – can reach customers by a little change in their delivery model.
Adopt New Strategies
This time is an opportunity to think of and implement ways to capitalize on opportunities that are available now. If your competition is waiting it out, this might be the time for you to tell everyone that you are ‘open for business’.
In fact, in countries like Italy, China, Spain and USA, there is an increase in online sales because people are quarantined & self-isolating.
Sell Online, Increase Ad Spend
If you don’t already, consider selling online during this time. Many businesses that primarily sell online have seen an increase in their sales during this time.
Increase your online spend, increase email marketing efforts. When most big spenders cut their ad spend, it is easier for smaller businesses to get in front of customers (without breaking the bank!)
Now is the time to build top-of-mind-awareness (TOMA). In marketing, TOMA refers to a brand or specific product being first in customers’ minds when thinking of a particular industry or category.
Use Technology to Communicate More
Communicate More with your employees and clients. Send emails, have online meetings or write blog posts. Engaging clients and employees will be beneficial in the long run. Make it easy for clients and customers to book virtual appointments with you.
Get Digital Marketing Help
You don’t have to do it on your own! Get professional help from a reputable marketing partner like Mrkt360 to discuss marketing strategies with you.
Contact us for a consultation. We will be happy to discuss marketing strategies that can help your business thrive now and in the times to come.
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