11 Easy Things You Can Do To Instantly Improve As A Copywriter

My first attempts at writing were awful.

There, I said it. 

When I started writing, I was far from what you would call a “professional.” I’m about to graduate from college this year, and I’m not getting any kind of degree in writing.

I did, however, take several marketing and web design courses that introduced me to the world of SEO content. There, I discovered that writing is critical in business.

Contrary to popular belief, writing is a valuable skill to have. Most companies need a copywriter nowadays.

Why? Because good writing sells.

Now, copywriting isn’t easy by any means, but if you put in the work to improve and practice consistently, your copy will increasingly become better.

I struggled to discover the “do’s and don’ts” of copywriting when I first started working in an SEO agency. Fast forward to now, and I’ve honed my skills to a point where I’m comfortable sharing my knowledge with others.

But enough about me. This is about you and how you can make your copy better.

Here are 11 easy things you can do to instantly improve as a copywriter.

Shorter is sweeter

Short sentences carry power.

They grab attention, are easy on the eyes, and help readers digest the content quicker.

While you definitely shouldn’t make every sentence 4 words long, you can use them to separate text. No one is going to read your sentence if it spreads over several lines.

There is no we in you

Remember that good writing is meant to sell. It should be about the customer.

Talk directly to your customers, use you instead of we or us as much as possible. Using the latter just turns you into every other company out there.

That isn’t to say you should avoid these entirely. Just don’t fall into the trap of writing “all about us” and instead show your readers how they can benefit.

Put effort into your headlines and titles

Most people will read your headline but not your copy.

The rest decide whether to read your copy or not based on the headline.

Put some thought and effort into crafting great headlines on web pages, email subjects, article titles, etc.

What do you want to communicate? How can you express it best?

Ask yourself these questions and give yourself some time to think. 

Just, whatever you do…

Avoid clickbait

Don’t get me wrong. Clickbait titles can boost your conversion rates initially. But keep it up for a while, and readers will avoid your content as fast as they initially clicked it.

When you clickbait, you are over-selling something that you cannot deliver.

We spoke about the importance of headings less than ten lines ago. Instead of click-baiting your readers, craft a relevant title. Use that relevancy to sell the title.

Only promise what you can deliver. No more, no less. 

Then deliver.

Express yourself with as few words as possible

Even if your blogs carry on to the 4,000-word total, you need to be concise.

There are many “needless words” out there. Omit them.

One of my favorite needless words is “actually.” You can remove the word more often than not, and both the message and its meaning are unaffected.

Next time you write copy, deliver your message or idea with as few words as possible.

Avoid passive voice

Let’s go back to our high school English class. Remember when your teacher told you to avoid passive voice and passive verbs?

This was the hardest one for me. English is my second language, so avoiding this has been the bane of my existence.

But this is necessary because passive-sounding verbs tend to sound boring.

Take the verb to be as an example.

Which sounds more appealing: “Summer is near” or “Get ready for summer”?

Use active, dynamic verbs whenever possible. Be direct.

Separate your paragraphs

Did you know that single-sentence paragraphs can do a lot?

Me too.

Using single sentence paragraphs by themselves will draw attention to them. You can use this to let your readers know that’s a key point to remember. It can also break the flow after a long paragraph and create a rhythm.

Speaking of long paragraphs, how many sentences are too much? More than sentences, I’d say lines of text. Given that you’ve read up to this point, you can probably figure it out by now.

It’s 3-4 lines. That’s it.

I’d say using four lines is needed when you overextend a bit, and writing five lines is definitely pushing it.

There are exceptions—a long quote, for example (it better be a good one). But use them sparingly, if not avoid them entirely.

Overall, separating your long paragraphs into smaller chunks will help your copy seem easier to read.

“Buy now” is boring

So are “click here,” “join,” and “subscribe.”

To be blunt, they’re dull at best and overused to the point where everyone is expecting it and is practically immune to it.

Your call to action (CTA) must give readers something different. A good CTA lets readers know what’ll happen and give them a reason to click it.

Which sounds more appealing: “Join Now” or “Claim Your Free Trial”?


Don’t avoid the words I, me, or my

You may have been taught not to use these in your writing. Get that idea out of your head.

Don’t be afraid to get personal and genuine with your audience. You can even sprinkle references or facts about yourself.

It will make your copy feel honest. Trust me, it works.

Need proof? We’re almost a thousand words in, and you’re still here.

When you tell a story, share insights into your life or business, it generates engagement.

But just like you would in real life, don’t overdo it. It’s not about spiralling into an ego trip. It’s about you being honest and authentic with your readers.

Don’t be afraid to use I. Don’t be afraid to be yourself when you write.

Use stories

Using stories goes a long way.

A personal story or real-life examples can build better connections and make your readers trust you more.

Personal stories make them relate to you. They’ll see you’re just like them (a normal person behind a screen) and will be more willing to read your copy.

On the other hand, using real-life examples in your writing lets your readers know you aren’t full of it. If you know something works, prove it. 

When editing your work, read it out loud

I can’t count how many times I’ve gone over a piece of content I wrote and think, “This is it. This is perfect!”

Then I read it out loud.

“This is garbage.”

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad. But when I read my work aloud, I notice where the writing doesn’t flow. The smooth rhythm becomes a mess, and some words just don’t fit.

Read your work aloud. If you trip over words or find the need to stop for air or process what you read, it’s time for another round of editing.

Bonus Tip: Keep practicing.

You don’t need a degree or years of experience to be a good copywriter. But practice is a must here. 

Take the time needed to refine your writing. Write something six days a week (always rest at least a day to avoid burnout). You might be surprised to see how fast your writing can improve.

If your goal is to boost your sales, increase conversion rates, improve your SEO content, or just become a better writer, don’t forget about these copywriting tips.

Minor tweaks can be game-changing, so don’t skip them. And never overestimate the importance of content in the business world.

I hope you found my advice helpful. If you want to learn more about copywriting, be sure to check out Mrkt360’s blog. 

We are a digital marketing and SEO agency that posts regular content about copywriting, marketing trends, digital strategies, web design, and more!

Alex Zertuche

Alex is a copywriter from Monterrey, México. He graduated from the Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey with a degree in Communications in Digital Media, specializing in Project Management for Creative Industries and Digital Media Production. He is passionate about entertainment, creative writing and generating engaging content through his work.

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