Custom Web Designing

Tips For Building a Trustworthy Website

Your company website is often the first impression that potential consumers have on your business. It will only take them a matter of seconds to establish a judgement on your business based on how your website looks and works. Regardless of the quality of your offered products or services, your website must look trustworthy in order for consumers to consider doing business with you.  A great marketing agency can help you create the most trustworthy custom website design Toronto offers, however these are some tips to help you get started:

Custom Website Designing

Provide Testimonials and Reviews(With A Face!)

The best way to establish credibility and trust is through testimonials and reviews, especially when you can also provide social proof. Having a review linked to a social media profile or account like Facebook, Twitter, or Yelp puts a face to these reviews and helps further authenticate your business. Customers highly value word of mouth, so this is one of the most reliable ways to increase trust for your products and services.

Testimonial & Review Rating

Display Social Media Icons

Making sure that your social media icons are visible on your homepage is also very important. If you have a decent number of followers, make sure to include that. It is also important for your company to remain active on these social media profiles. You not only have to promote your brand, but you also need to constantly communicate and listen to what your audience is saying, and provide them with the answers they need. This helps to establish trust.

Social Media Optimization

Speed Up The Loading Time

Generally, people expect a webpage to load in under 3 seconds. Many tools online can help you figure out how your website performs, in terms of mobile and desktop speed, and identifies ways in which you can make it faster. Some of these solutions are easy to implement, and others require the most elaborate and custom web design Toronto offers. A fast website shows that you care about the user friendliness of your website and that you have designed the website with the users’ best interests in mind.

Website Desktop & Mobile Speed

Display Experience, Awards, and Badges

Identifying your years of experience can help establish trust and paint you as an industry leader. Also, adding any awards you have received gives potential consumers a reason to choose your company over your competitors. Security badges and seals should also be used when applicable, as many consumers are concerned with the risks of shopping online. Letting consumers know that their privacy and security are taken seriously can help establish a trusting relationship.

Awards & Badges


Always remember to proofread every piece of writing that goes on your website. Have another person from your company or even an external editor read over your web pages for spelling and grammatical errors. Nothing undermines customer trust more than typos and misspelled words. It implies that your company does not pay enough attention to detail and therefore may be unreliable to do business with.

These tips will help you get started on building a trustworthy website, however, a digital marketing agency can help you create the most elaborate and custom web design Toronto offers to ensure credibility.

Eran Hurvitz

Dynamic, dedicated, and determined, Eran's passion for technology and marketing led him to start his own digital marketing agency, Mrkt360. Presently he is CEO at Mrkt360 Inc. and Co-Founder at Highbreed Corp. With a passion for technology and over 20 years of experience in the field, Eran is confident in his ability to help businesses achieve their online goals to creating Successful Companies.

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